This illustration, titled "Light Up," is designed for XP-Pen's new Artist series drawing tablet packaging. Inspired by the Year of the Rabbit, it features rabbit-shaped flames bursting from a lit matchstick, symbolising a surge of creativity. Hoping users of this tablet experience an explosion of inspiration, creating dynamic works with
XP-Pen's technology. 这幅插画是为XP-Pen新一代Artist系列绘图数位板所设计的包装类插画作品 - Light Up。创作Light Up的时候正巧迎来兔年,所以从设计上选用了兔子的形象。这里点燃的火柴寓意灵感的爆发,兔子形式的火焰一圈圈迸发出来。希望大家在使用这款Artist系列产品的时候也可以灵感爆发,运用XP-Pen的数位板创作炸裂的作品。